Worldwide Member Directory

This directory was started several years ago but was neglected for a while. In 2019 we're bringing it all up to date and encouraging more users in the worldwide community to join.

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Scott Scott Menard

Photo of Scott Scott Menard
Owner/Architectural Designer Sea Isle Design Group, LLCDesign Work 661 Bering Drive Unit 801 Houston TX 77057 USAHome TX 77554 United States Cell Phone: 8326777001 Website:

Specializing in ESOP “Elevated Structures on Pilings” for Coastal home construction. The coastal regions of the USA have long been a popular destination for second homes and vacation getaways. The Southern and Eastern coasts, however, are subject to Hurricanes, and these threat has changed the dynamics of how home and renovation constructed is done today. To protect property from the potential damage from Wind and Flooding, homes are constructed on an elevated platform. This raised platform (aka foundation) is similar to how some country homes are erected. You know, a wood framed home sitting 1 to 2 feet above the ground on small pillars with a wood framed sub-floor, some even on concrete pilings and integral concrete slab sub-floors. With the potential of storm surge and high winds, coastal homes are typically erected 10 to 20 ft above ground or grade. In addition, to handle the stresses of high winds, walls and roofs are built with a significant array of strapping to secure all framing members into a single bonded structure. Exterior Wall corners often have studs on 8″ centers out as far as 4ft, all walls have 5/8” Plywood sheeting on both the Exterior as well as many interior walls. Windows and Door penetration position have to be evaluated by engineering to ensure there is sufficient supporting structure within to handle the building package. In some cases metal stud arrays are included to provide the necessary strength at key locations.

With the plan approved by the owner, the Architect/Designer submits the plan to a Structural Engineer who produces a set of certified plans with the structural detail required by a FEMA. These firms must be FEMA Certified Structural Engineers. Stage inspections are conducted by the same engineering firm throughout construction at pre-established phases for sign-off. These Stage Inspections ensure the construction methods called out in the his/her plans are followed. This LOD (Level of Detail) far exceeds what most builders consider “Inspections of MEP and or local authorities” of a typical home. Yes, all this drives up the cost of constructing a Coastal Home but the benefits have proven worthwhile. Do you recall Homestead, FL after Hurricane Andrew (1995)? How about the single yellow home left standing on the Bolivar Pen, East of my Home Galveston, TX (2008). Andrew was one of the catalyst driving change and the new FL construction codes we live and design by today. The Yellow house on Bolivar, left after IKE, sent a clear signal to all “the new rules are working and worth the extra costs.”

I love this style of design but it does present some rather unique challenges to Architects and Designers. Thankfully, Archicad provides the tools needed to make producing a 3D Model complete with all the details needed. Thanks to Eric’s incredible passion, dedication and mission, to make us all the best we can be in our use of Archicad, he is my GOTO Pro for anything and everything Archicad. Eric is not only a great guy to know and work with, the value of his programs and material should be a part of everyone’s suite of tools. Eric has been there for me whenever I need his expert advice. I signed up with Eric during my demo period of Archicad and since that time, and for the foreseeable future, Eric will always be my Partner in Archicad. How far you want to take Archicad is up to you and limited only by your level of commitment. If you want to Master Archicad…you have come to the right place.

