Worldwide Member Directory

This directory was started several years ago but was neglected for a while. In 2019 we're bringing it all up to date and encouraging more users in the worldwide community to join.

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DIRECTIONS: When the full directory list is showing below, you may use the Category drop-down menu to search with a number of pre-set options including ARCHICAD version, specialty, etc. In the general search field on the right side you can type in a last name, city or country etc. 

Note that the directory list below will be replaced by a submission form (if you're adding or editing your own entry) or by a short list of records matching your search criteria.

Use the "Return to Full Directory" to restore the original directory listing; use the VIEW ALL (super compact list) to see all member names in multiple columns.

Want to see members listed by country? Check out the directory listing variations in the Member List menu in the upper right navigation menu!


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Mark Carsten Anderson , AIA, CPHC

Photo of Mark Carsten Anderson AIA, CPHC
Founder, Architect, Certified Passive House Consultant Anderson Sustainable Architecture Work 752 Holly Avenue Saint Paul MN 55104-7134 USA Website: Anderson Sustainable Architecture

We help people live healthier and more comfortably with cost-effective building investments that fight climate change. By thoroughly understanding our clients living goals and organizing them in a way that also aligns with sustainable design principles, we create highly livable, healthy, comfortable, exciting, yet economical buildings. Combining Passive House and photovoltaic systems design knowledge, we align energy consumption and production, optimizing their design and minimizing costs, for a durable and beautiful project.

Anderson Sustainable Architecture provides building design services for residential and small commercial clients. We specialize in energy sustainable architecture, creating Low Consuming, Net-Zero Energy and Net-Positive Energy buildings by designing optimized highly energy efficient buildings then adding green renewable energy systems. As Certified Passive House Consultants, we apply the Passive House International – US | PHIUS climate and cost-optimized procedures to provide field-tested and verified results.

Anderson Sustainable Architecture also provides architecture consulting services to architects, engineers and builders for residential, commercial and institutional buildings. We provide Certified Passive House Consulting, whole building energy modeling, thermal bridge analysis of building details, solar access review for building siting and window placement, design option development and energy demand comparison, Low, Zero and Net-Energy studies, construction system and detail design, construction documents with Building Information Modeling (BIM) design and documentation. Near Star Solar, LLC, also founded by Mark provides photovoltaic system sizing, placement, and building integration. With the PHIUS+ cost-optimized building design protocol and photovoltaic design abilities your building efficiency and renewable energy investments can be maximized.

Mark Carsten Anderson, AIA, CPHC is the founder, President and chief architect behind Anderson Sustainable Architecture, Inc. A member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Passive House Alliance – US (PHAUS), Mark is the president of the local chapter, Passive House Alliance – Minneapolis/St. Paul (PHA-MSP). Mark is a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) and holds a Residential and Commercial Photovoltaic Systems Certificate and Solar Business and Technical Sales Certificate from Solar Energy International (SEI). Mark has been a visiting instructor at the University of Minnesota’s School of Architecture where he graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture and Bachelor of Environmental Design. With decades of professional architectural experience in commercial, institutional and residential work, Mark has done numerous public speaking events on topics relating to sustainable architectural design.


Our work is beneficial to the health and well being of our clients, their families, visitors, our cities and planet.

