Worldwide Member Directory

This directory was started several years ago but was neglected for a while. In 2019 we're bringing it all up to date and encouraging more users in the worldwide community to join.

If you're already a member of the ARCHICAD USER site you may check or edit your own listing after using the LOGIN form in the right-hand sidebar. If you don't have your password handy, use the Forgot Password link and you'll get an email allowing you to reset it.

Don't have an account on the ARCHICAD USER website?

It's totally FREE to join as a Bronze Member, and you'll be able to add your name to the user directory. Other benefits include the new Monthly ARCHICAD Training Webinar series and free ARCHICAD tutorials (including some that are ONLY seen on this website). After you get your confirmation email, return to this page and login so you can add your own listing!

DIRECTIONS: When the full directory list is showing below, you may use the Category drop-down menu to search with a number of pre-set options including ARCHICAD version, specialty, etc. In the general search field on the right side you can type in a last name, city or country etc. 

Note that the directory list below will be replaced by a submission form (if you're adding or editing your own entry) or by a short list of records matching your search criteria.

Use the "Return to Full Directory" to restore the original directory listing; use the VIEW ALL (super compact list) to see all member names in multiple columns.

Want to see members listed by country? Check out the directory listing variations in the Member List menu in the upper right navigation menu!


RETURN TO FULL DIRECTORY   •••   VIEW ALL (super compact list)

Mechiel van den Dolder

Photo of Mechiel van den Dolder
architectural designer urban design and architecture by Carmen Home Rotterdam Netherlands Home Phone: +31645548567

My expertise and specialism resides in renovation and restoration. At VILLANOVA Architects I have gained great experience as an architectural designer. I have realised many projects, from urban development plans to building inspection reports resulting in to renovation plans and prize contests. Assignments from residential to commercial construction, renovation and restoration. In teams I have simultaneously worked on several projects, both as architectural designer as well as project leader.

Currently, at urban design and architecture by Carmen, I am continuing my project leading skills and I have expanded my tasks with office management. My skills as renovation specialist are useful here too and since urban design and architecture by Carmen have many assignments in housing and healthcare, I am currently expanding my skills to these disciplines.

