About the ArchiCAD User Group
The ARCHICAD USER website is a resource for ArchiCAD users around the world created by Eric Bobrow. It will be developed in several stages in 2018, and provide useful information to help build our community.
The first phase is the creation of a searchable worldwide directory of users. This has never existed before, and it's long overdue.
Of course there is ArchiCAD-Talk, and the ArchiCAD group on LinkedIn, which are wonderful gathering places for discussion. This website will complement those portals, offering:
- live online training events
- regular tips and tricks posts and videos
- unique networking and collaboration tools
Member Login
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Join Us!
You may join the ArchiCAD User Group by registering here on this website. There is no charge, and everyone is welcome, whether you are a new user, veteran, or expert. Or perhaps you are a teacher, a consultant or the owner of a firm that uses ArchiCAD (even if you don't touch the program, it's part of your office).
You may view the ArchiCAD User Directory and search it for colleagues in your area or based on specialty or name. Right now, the directory is open, but after our initial roll-out, it will be kept private and displayed for members only (after logging in).
- Add yourself to the Member List by using the link in the right-hand sidebar to Add or Edit Your Directory Entry.
- Fill in as much information as you can, including your photo and categories (please indicate what version of ArchiCAD you use and your specialties).
- Be sure to set your entry to Public before you submit it, otherwise it will not be visible!
- After you've submitted your directory entry, you can return to the main public area of the site by clicking the ArchiCAD User Group home icon in the upper left.
- You should see your entry show up immediately in the User Directory. If you want to edit it, use the Add or Edit link in the sidebar.
- There is a Jobs Board based on the same directory information. To be listed, simply check the desired categories in your directory entry.
I look forward to building the ArchiCAD User website online with you and many of our colleagues around the world. It's going to evolve and grow over the coming months and years - we're on a journey together, jump on board!
Eric Bobrow